Senin, 18 Februari 2008

Nobi – Photo blur to animation image

Nobi – Photo blur to animation image

If you have a not focused photo called ‘blur’ don’t worry to make it more beatify. To design animation image from a photo is a speciality dispense, in photoshop you must patient, curious & have imagination. In this tutorial we will study some technique which one is tracing technique.

Step 1 – Getting Started:

Open up your source image in Photoshop and zoom in to a comfortable magnification - you will need to get rather close to the image for this entire tutorial. Duplicate the background (i.e. image layer) and make it active in the layer palette. This will give you a backup to go back to in case you have any problems later.

Step 2 – Create Path (Hair):

Whip out the Pen Tool with the 'Paths' option set and begin tracing the character outline, making sure that you exclude all areas of background color. Don't worry about leaving the stray hairs outside - that's ok, as we'll be making new ones later.

Step 3 – Create Layer (Hair):

1. Create new layer with name ‘Hair’
2. Open path window, stroke path with black color (3px) & fill path with black color too
3. Open blending option:
* Drop Shadow --> opacity = 50%, distance = 2, spread = 5, size= 5

* Inner Shadow --> opacity = 50%, distance = 5, spread = 20, size= 5, angle = -90 & don’t check ‘use global light’

* Inner Glow --> color = 666666, technique = softer, source = edge, choke = 50%, size = 3

Bevel & Emboss --> depth = 65%, direction = up, size = 6, soften = 1, angle = 90 & don’t check ‘use global light’, altitude = 80, -->hightlight mode = linear dodge, color = white, opacity = 50%, --> shadow mode = soft light, color = 333333, opacity = 100%

* Contour --> contour = gaussian, range = 100%

* Satin --> blend mode = soft light, color = white, opacity = 100%, angle = 90, distance = 1, size = 5, contour = rolling slope-descending, anti-aliased = yes

* Color Overlay --> blend mode = normal, color = balck, opacity = 100%

* Gradient Overlay --> blend mode = normal, opacity = 100%, reverse = yes, style = reflected, align with layer = yes, angle = 90, scale = 125

Stroke --> size = 1, position = centre, blend mode = normal, opacity = 75%, filetype = color, color = black

Step 4 – Create Layer (Face):

Create new layer, Like step 2, but in this step using ‘shape tool’ --> elipse tool. Combine it with ctrl-key / alt-key / shift-key to make same scale with face. Then open blending option and enter this following setting :
Inner Shadow --> blend mode = multiply, color = c89b6a, opacity = 75%, angle = 30 & Use global light = yes, distance = 5, choke = 0, size = 13

* Bevel & Emboss --> style = inner bevel, technique = smooth, depth = 100%, direction = up, size = 35, soften = 10, angle = 40 & don’t check ‘use global light’, altitude = 60, --> hightscreen mode = screen, color = white, opacity = 75%, --> shadow mode = multiply, color = 8c6239, opacity = 75%

* Color Overlay --> blend mode = normal, color = fad8b3, opacity = 100%

Step 5 – Create Layer (Hands):

Create new layer like Step 2, but finishing it with blending option setting on Step 4 & some change --> Bevel & Emboss – just change or drag the value do you like to get good lighting.

Step 6 – Create Layer (Eyes – Nose - Lips):

1. Create Eyes
* Create eyeball (black) --> use Shape Tool --> eclipse tool --> blending option setting as Step 2

* Create eyeball (white) --> use Pen Tool and make ‘Path’ as Step 2 --> Load Style ‘ Web Rolloverstyle’ --> ‘Gel Rollover with Selected State’

Create Eye Lash & Eye Brow --> use Pen Tool and make ‘Path’ as Step 2 --> color = black

2. Create Nose & Lips --> use Pen Tool and make ‘Path’ as Step 2 --> fill path = 603913, stroke path = c69c6d

Step 7 – Create Layer (Shirt – Pants - Shocks):

1. Create Shirt --> use Pen Tool and make ‘Path’ as Step 2 --> open blending option window and enter following setting:

* Color Overlay --> blend mode = normal, color = fd0101, opacity = 49%

* Gradient Overlay --> blend mode = normal, opacity = 35%, gradient = black to white, reverse = yes, style = linear, align with layer = yes, angle = 90, scale = 137%

2. Create Pants --> use Pen Tool and make ‘Path’ as Step 2 --> color = black

3. Create Shocks --> use Pen Tool and make ‘Path’ as Step 2 --> fill path = white, stroke path = black

Step 8 – Create Effect ( Star Glow)

1. Create new layer and name it ‘star glow’ --> load ‘starbrush’ brush --> Filter --> Distort --> Shear --> drag the point do you like --> ok, then delete unnecessary part with eraser tool.

Note: you must have ‘starbrush’ photoshop brush

2. Create new group from Nobi part layer --> duplicate --> merge group, this step purpose is to create nobi figure can fill with ‘glow effect’
3. Create glow effect -->click ‘star glow layer’ & ‘nobi copy layer’ --> blending option --> drop shadow = yes (make it default), outer glow --> blend mode = screen, opacity 75%, noise = 0, color = ef7373 , technique = softer, spread = 8, size = 92

Step 9 – Finishing

Now all you have to do is create funky background,
1. Create new layer and name it ‘butterflies’ & ‘splate’ --> load ‘SS-butterflies-n-trails’ & ‘k05_splate’ photoshop brush --> glow effect as Step 8

Note: You must have ‘
SS-butterflies-n-trails’ & ‘
k05_splate’ photoshop brush

2. Create new layer and combine some square with ‘rectangle tool’ in a row --> Filter --> Twirl

I hope that this tutorial has helped to teach you something new about the wonderful world of Photoshop Animation!

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