Brush & Design your Dream on Photoshop to create beautiful vectro images, don't forget to learn mp3 about techno, spend your time to play O2Jam, blogging, surfing... and pray to God
Senin, 01 September 2008
Happy Ramadhan 1429H
Assalamu alaikum wr. wb.
Open your eyes, body n' soul in holly days!! Don't forget, keep your taste until sunset is come. Oh yeah... don't forget to make a wish to gets sweet prize from Allah :)
Happy Ramadhan...
Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2008
Coming Back to Vectro
Hampir kurang lebih ampe 4 bulan gue ga' posting, coz banyak problem bro... mulai dari VGA rewel T-T... Yaps, tepaksa beli lagi yang baru. Lom lagi Tugas kuliah yang makan jam tidur gue'. Pas ada waktu luang, nah ... inget ama blog Q --> buat desain vector lagi ach!!!
Nie... hasil karya yang terinspirasi dari Liburan Kuliah yang BT-Abieezzz...
Happy 63th-Anniversary to Indonesia
Indonesia name term beginning origin? ? ?
Yapz. . . of the book ever i read, Indonesia formed from syllable: Indonesia that come from latin word --> "Indians" or "Hindus" , and syllable "Nesia" come from greek word --> "Nesos" mean island. Then interpretted as archipelagic country.
Finder “Indonesia” name is James Ricardson Logan law expert from Scotlandia. He publisheds "The Journal of Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia" in the year 1847. With published of Rusel Jones article at Archipel magazine 6, SECMI 1973 have a title" Ear Logan and Indonesia" , so emerge explanation and new opinion about Indonesia name.
In article book, Russel Jones success unfold service GSW. Earl English law expert native-born london (1813-1865). He has explored "The Eastern Seas" until Australian, and write "On The Leand Characteristics of the Papuan, Australian and Polynesia Malay Nation" in the year 1850. And published in journal J. R Logan volume IV. Previous article GSW. Earl, by Hindu ones calleds "Archipelago World" with the title --> "Dwipantara". By Europe scholars especially English scholars give name "Archipelago World" always related by the name of "Indies".
"Dwipantara" or "Archipelago" called also "Indian Archipelago", name that created by John Crawfued in the book "The History of the Indian Archipelago" give change has jutted because can change a little long habit to call region eastside ganges river with the title "Indians Beyond the Ganges" or "Ultra Gangetic Indians" be nomenclature influence that left by Ptolomeus from Alexandria. Then emerge again, that is "East Indians".
Furthermore Hirce St. John used term "Indian Archipelago" in the book with a title "The Indian Archipelago, It's History and Present State" (1953). And J. H Moore used in the work with a title "Notice of Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia". Discontentedly person by the name of Indians, while conditon and in reality at region Dwipantara that not always related with Indians.
In the year 1869, scholar A. R Wallacea published book "Malayana Archipelago". Scholars French as does Dr. Pichard in the book "Phisical History of Mankind" use term "Malasian" to name ones have brownish-skins that stay area Dwipantara. Eventually term "Malaysian Archipelago" as comparison towards term A. R Wallacea, French scholars is unfold term "Oceania Et Malasia".
With based on several articles, visible that first beginning that creats Indonesia name GSW. Earl. Furthermore GSW. Earl prefer term "Malayunesia" with reason because explanation "Indonesia" obvious its contents broader up to include archipelago citizen Maladewa, in article J. R Logan term "Indonesia" begins to appear regularly up at the location steadyly. In give reason, what because he chosen term "Indonesia" because real that is meritorious display Indonesia name exactly J. R logan and begin term "Indonesia" in the place of "Indian Archipelago" up to replace "Archipelago World" from Andaman until Morchal.
That Indonesia name is more famouser and popular as service Prof. Adolf Bastian, professor Ethology at University Berlin that write book "Indonesia Oder Menge Inselndes Malaychen Archipels".
In the year 1913 appear a name other, like used by pioneer of "Indische Partij" breakupped by Dutch. They establish to return new party "Partij Insulinde" that is name that created by Multatuli in the year 1859 in the book "Maz Havelar". " Insulande" equal to "Indonesia", insulande come from word "Inseln" mean islands, and "Indie" mean equal to "Eurasian" or "Hindus". Indonesia and Insulinde created to replaced term "Indian Archipelago".
Furthermore progress more be popular of Indonesia name, especially after year 1922 Leyden Universities establishes direction Indology in environment "Vereenigne Faculteiten Der Rochten En Letteren En Wijs Begeerte" under leadership Prof. C. Van Vollenhoven. With more popular Indonesia name scientifically, so young man and Indonesia college student learns at Dutch country is more interested the attention. Up to in the year 1925, they are change Association name "Indische Vereeninging" be "Indonesische Vereeninging" then be "Indonesia Association". Since then begin for first time the "Indonesia" used in policies meaning, because that meant with Indonesia by Indonesia Association area Nederland Indie. When then on "Sumpah Pemuda" (young man vow – like juratory) in the year 1928, Indonesia name is promised to be nation name, fatherland, and Indonesian. So "Indie", that is Indian area archipelago that dominated by Dutch.
Such, when does republic of Indonesia independence proclaimed on 17 augusts 1945, so Indonesia name is Indonesian fatherland nation name. Commencing from the date of 17 augusts 1945 that, all terms "Nederlandsche Oost Indische" or the variation is replaced to be" Indonesia". Term "Indische Arcipelago" be "Archipel" and as it.
Jumat, 18 April 2008
Join Indonesian Blogger on
Indonesian Blogger widgets is special design to introduce to the world that the Indonesian country had many blogger that was talented and creative. This also made the Indonesian country proud with us.
Join & help me to make this project is successful. Thanks for all...
It's Free, just copy the code below:
<img width: 1700px
alt="I'm an Indonesia Blogger" src=""
<a href="Join'>">Join
I'm an Indonesia Blogger? Click Here</a>
You also can change image style with your fell. Just simple, find change the code orangegel.png change the code with your choise like: red.png, pinkgel.png, greengel.png and more...
attributs list:
1. Black.png
2. Blackgel.png
3. Blue.png
4. Bluegel.png
5. Brown.png
6. Browngel.png
7. Green.png
8. Greengel.png
9. Grey.png
10. Greygel.png
11. Orange.png
12. Orangegel.png
13. Pink.png
14. Pinkgel.png
15. Purple.png
16. Purplegel.png
17. Red.png
18. Redgel.png
19. White.png
20. Yellow.png
21. Yellowgel.png
Jumat, 07 Maret 2008
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Selasa, 04 Maret 2008
O2 Jam – Create O2 Jam Logo for Favicons
O2 Jam is one of my favorite game. In this game you can play your music do you like, from classic up to techo, from slow up to very fast. Besides it, you can practice your finger more thaw likes Mozart, Vivaldi, Beethoven , Bernstein and more …
In this tutorial, we will create favicons from capturing the game up to appear the icon in your blog.
Step 1 – Getting Started:
First, open your O2 Jam game normally. Then play your music do you like up to finish, when your score is appear presh “Print – Screen” key on your keyboard to capture the O2 Jam logo. Then close the game and open the windows explorer --> search your path installation on your disk “..\e-Games\O2Jam\Save”.
Open up your source image in Photoshop and zoom in to a comfortable magnification - you will need to get rather close to the image for this entire tutorial. Duplicate the background (i.e. image layer) and make it active in the layer palette. This will give you a backup to go back to in case you have any problems later.
Step 2 – Create Parts The Logo:
Whip out the Pen Tool with the 'Shape Layer' option set and begin tracing the character outline, making sure that you exclude all areas of background color. Don't worry about leaving the stray hairs outside - that's ok, as we'll be making new ones later.
Note: change opacity and fill = 0%, to simplifity your work and look like using Pen Tool with the “Path”
After you create all parts of the logo, resize / transform (Ctrl+T key) up to W = 265% & H = 265 %
Step 3 – Finishing Every Part:
1. Part 1 (Head – Right Hand)
* Inner Shadow --> opacity = 50%, distance = 13, spread = 0, size= 40, angle = -32 & check ‘use global light’
* Inner Glow --> blend mode = screen, color = white, technique = softer, source = center, choke = 51%, size = 73, range = 65, jitter = 33
* Bevel & Emboss --> style = inner bevel, technique = smooth, depth = 10%, direction = down, size = 38, soften = 3, angle = -32 & check ‘use global light’, altitude = 30, -->hightlight mode = screen, color = white, opacity = 75%, --> shadow mode = multiply, color = black, opacity = 75%
* Contour --> contour = gaussian, range = 100%
* Gradient Overlay --> blend mode = normal, opacity = 100%, reverse = yes, style = linier, align with layer = yes, angle = 90, scale = 78
2. Part 2 (Body – Left Hand – Back Shoes)
* Load Style ‘ Web Rolloverstyle’ --> ‘Neutral Glass Button’
3. Part 3 (Front Ears)
* Load Style ‘ Web Rolloverstyle’ --> ‘Blueberry Rollover’
4. Part 4 (Lamp on Left Hand)
* Inner Shadow --> blend mode = multiply, color = 304b98, opacity = 85%, distance = 11, spread = 25, size= 22, angle = 90 & don’t check ‘use global light’
* Inner Glow --> blend mode = multiply, opacity = 50%, color = 304b98, technique = softer, source = edge, choke = 0%, size = 8
* Bevel & Emboss --> styler = inner bevel, technique = smooth, depth = 100%, direction = up, size = 38, soften = 2, angle = 67 & don’t check ‘use global light’, altitude = 21, -->hightlight mode = screen, color = white, opacity = 100%, --> shadow mode = multiply, color = black, opacity = 0%
* Contour --> contour = gaussian, range = 90%
* Satin --> blend mode = overlay, color = 60acff, opacity = 100%, angle = 90, distance = 38, size = 38, contour = ring, anti-aliased = yes, invert = yes
* Color Overlay --> blend mode = normal, color = fd0000, opacity = 100%
5. Part 5 (Back Ears – Claws)
* Inner Glow --> blend mode = screen, opacity = 75%, color = fc7101, technique = softer, source = center, choke = 53%, size = 0
* Bevel & Emboss --> style = inner bevel, technique = smooth, depth = 21%, direction = down, size = 46, soften = 3, angle = -32 & check ‘use global light’, altitude = 30, -->hightlight mode = screen, color = fc7101, opacity = 75%, --> shadow mode = multiply, color = black, opacity = 75%
* Satin --> blend mode = difference, color = 333333, opacity = 55%, angle = -81, distance = 18, size = 21, contour = cone, anti-aliased = yes, invert = yes
* Color Overlay --> blend mode = normal, color = e9bf13, opacity = 100%
* Stroke --> size = 1, position = centre, blend mode = normal, opacity = 75%, filetype = color, color = black
Note: after that create more glossy effect using gradient tool --> click the layer+Ctrl key / select layer --> gradient tool = foreground to transparent, color = fc7101 --> Ctrl+D key / deselect
6. Part 6 (Head Band – Foot – Front Shoes)
* Inner Glow --> blend mode = screen, opacity = 75%, color = 020c71, technique = softer, source = center, choke = 23%, size = 0
* Bevel & Emboss --> style = inner bevel, technique = smooth, depth = 21%, direction = down, size = 46, soften = 4, angle = -32 & don’t check ‘use global light’, altitude = 30, -->hightlight mode = screen, color = white, opacity = 75%, --> shadow mode = multiply, color = black, opacity = 75%
* Satin --> as part 5
* Color Overlay --> blend mode = normal, color = 234585, opacity = 100%
* Stroke --> as part 5
7. Part 7 (Line on Head)
* Load Style ‘ Gel Rollover with Selected State’ --> ‘Neutral Glass Button’ --> open blending option --> color overlay = black
8. Part 8 (Eyes)
* Drop Shadow --> default
* Inner Shadow --> blend mode = overlay, color = cccccc, opacity = 50%, distance = 5, spread = 20, size= 5, angle = -90 & don’t check ‘use global light’
* Inner Glow --> blend mode = pin light, opacity = 45, color = 666666, technique = softer, source = edge, choke = 50%, size = 3, range = 1%
* Bevel & Emboss --> style = inner bevel, technique = smooth, depth = 65%, direction = up, size = 6, soften = 1, angle = 90 & don’t check ‘use global light’, altitude = 80, -->hightlight mode = linear dodge, color = white, opacity = 50%, --> shadow mode = soft light, color = 333333, opacity = 100%
* Contour --> contour = gaussian, range = 100%
* Satin --> blend mode = soft light, color = white, opacity = 100%, angle = 90, distance = 1, size = 5, contour = rolling slope-descending, anti-aliased = yes
* Color Overlay --> blend mode = normal, color = balck, opacity = 100%
* Gradient Overlay --> blend mode = normal, opacity = 100%, reverse = yes, style = reflected, align with layer = yes, angle = 90, scale = 125
* Stroke --> as part 5, change position = centre, opacity = 75%
Step 4 – Create Icons:
* Create new document 512 X 512 (px) background = transparent --> drag the O2 Jam logo --> save as “*.png”
Note: If you want save in “*.ico” you must have plug-in, because Photoshop does not come with the ability to save Window's icon (.ico) file formats as standard, so you need to download a plug-in before you can proceed.
Step 5 – Upload Favicons:
* Now upload this file into the base HTML directory of your website, together with your index/home page/ in your blog.
* So you should open the template and find the code
edit on HTML. This code located between and . If the code is not found, you must create the code. For your url icon, you can locate the code “”, change this url with yours. It’s support in png, ico, or gif format.
Now, you can create your favicon to appear in your blog